401-533-2616 [email protected]
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Backroads Tree Service provides general tree service across all of Rhode Island. We are licensed and certified by the DEM forestry and ISA, and insured LLC.  Backroads provides quality services with experienced proffessional arborists. Safety and customer satisfaction are our highest priorities.

Tree Removal

Trees have a lifespan and removal will eventually be necessary.  Unhealthy trees with noticeable deadwood, cracks and splits in the trunk, or significant wood rot rendering the tree unstable, are candidates for removal.  We offer professional tree removal services using landscape sensitive equipment.                                                                              

Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming and Pruning uses sophisticated climbing and rigging techniques to cut away dead or excess branches from trees or shrubs to maintain right-of-way for roads, sidewalks, or utilities, or to improve appearance, health, and value of tree.

Storm Damage Removal

Our crew begins the process of clean up and repair on storm-damaged tree and brush. Even if your trees do not exhibit obvious damage, it is important to have them inspected by a certified arborist who may detect symptoms and conditions that could lead to problems later.

Send us a message for yor needs for a free quote!

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